Saturday, January 29, 2011

hey!!!its been about a year since i've been on my blog,sorry about yea......i' changed alot and know how life goes.i know it's embarassing to say so,but i've been looking for ways to contact justing not a crazed fan of his,i just like his music.and i dont really know him so i cant be some fan.and i've seen many fans that are like some phsycos.and paparaz are stalkers.and i know papprazzi is anoying,but if u want to be a celebrity u gotta give up your privacy.people always have role models and they usually look up to celebrities.just becuase they are famous doesnt mean anything.i dont know why peopla are so dependent these days.and if u want to be famous,be aware that it is not so easy,u give up your privacy,if it werent illegal for paprazi to be even take pictures of u while you are in the restrroom,they'd porbably do that.and i do give him credit for being a good singer and stuff,but lets face it,he's just like us.there are so many people in the world who have such good talents,but it just that they hadnt had a chance to show the whole world their talent.and i ,too,can actually good.and some people cant get chosen as a celebrity cuz even though they have the talents,they dont have the "looks".looks arent everything you know,dont judge a book by its yea this is a message to justin bieber.he's probably never gonna read this,but i can't help hoping.a girl can dream you know?


Unknown said...

I think it's cute that you have a blog. I'll give you a reason to come back. Let's start with your grammar...

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